
Call of duty world at war 2 clicking noise
Call of duty world at war 2 clicking noise

call of duty world at war 2 clicking noise

If the game crashes when trying to change the renderer, either modify the game's configuration file manually with a text editor or apply compatibility settings (see Game won't start on Windows Vista and 7 for details).Īlternatively, if none of the fixes above worked, and the game still crashes, then go into the compatibility settings for the CoD2SP_s.exe and CoD2MP_s.exe files and check the box that says Disable Fullscreen Optimizations. In the graphics option menu, set the "Rendering Method Preference" to DirectX 9. Game crashes when changing any graphics setting Because it will conflict with what we removed, you should now revert the compatibility fix you did to CoD2SP_s.exe and CoD2MP_s.exe above.Press Save, select the database name and save it to a location.Select fix DXPrimaryEmulation, click Parameters, enter: -DisableMaxWindowedMode and press OK.It will give a warning, press yes to continue. Tick Compatibility Mode and choose Windows XP SP3.Fill in the vendor name and the program name, as well as the location of the program.Run the Compatibility Administrator (32-bit).Get the Compatibility Toolkit from this Microsoft page and install.10.1.3 Merciless MatadoR CoD2 Single Player ModĪdvanced FPS fix for when running in compatibility mode.9.5 Game crashes when changing any graphics setting.9.4.1 Low fps when using compatibility settings.9.4 Game does not start on Windows Vista and higher.9.3 Getting automatically kicked from servers.9.2 Game freezes during FMV movie clips such as the intro with spinning Activision logo.9.1 Possible fixes for general crashing.

Call of duty world at war 2 clicking noise