
Driver restore registration key code
Driver restore registration key code

Specifies that the service is loaded or started automatically. Specifies that the driver is loaded at kernel initialization.Īutomatic: Loaded by Service Control Manager. Components of the driver stack for the boot (startup) volume must be loaded by the kernel loader. This value entry is not used for network adapters.īoot: Loaded by kernel loader. If the service is a Win32 service, the value of Start must be 2, 3, or 4. Start is a type REG_DWORD which specifies how the service is loaded or started. ObjectName is a type REG_DWORD which contains the account name for services or the driver object that the I/O manager uses to load the device driver.

driver restore registration key code

This entry is not used for network adapters. ImagePath is a type REG_EXPAND_SZ that contains the full path to the executable. If startup is already using the LastKnownGood control set, stops startup and runs a debugging program. If startup is already using the LastKnownGood control set, continues startup.Ĭritical: If the driver fails to load or initialize, declares the startup as having failed and restarts by by using the LastKnownGood control set.

driver restore registration key code

Severe: If the driver fails to load or initialize, declares the startup as having failed and restarts by using the LastKnownGood control set. Normal: If the driver fails to load or initialize, startup proceeds, but a warning message appears. Ignore: If the driver fails to load or initialize, startup proceeds, and no warning message appears.

driver restore registration key code

The followingĮrrorControl is a type REG_DWORD which specifies how to proceed if the driver fails to load or to initialize properly: Sub-keys for services and device drivers. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services contains

Driver restore registration key code