
Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod
Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod

Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod

Can’t get it to stay connected to my PC long enough for a format, and it won’t restart normally. After stopping / ejecting / waiting, the sad face of death again.

Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod

Once, it actually started up – the 1TB disk was recognised, iTunes sprang into life & it started syncing. The only way to recover it is to disconnect everything, disconnect the battery, and then start from scratch. Whenever I get it into disk mode and connect it to my PC I try to re-format using guiformat, but the iPod drops off the USB bus. Took it out to use it again & had the dreaded “sad-face” screen. I left the iPod running on random play overnight, connected to the power, and it was fine – and resynced the next day. I have the firewire / split charging & usb cable, and I loaded >8000 lossless tracks, totalling >700GB. However, I’ve also converted an 80GB classic MA450FD to 1TB (Samsung 840EVO) & am having continual problems.įirst attempt resulted in an iTunes restore, and all was well.

Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod

I’ve successfully built a 500GB (Samsung 840EVO) ipod using a 30GB classic, it’s almost full & I’m using it every day – so many thanks & kudos to creating & producing the iFlash-sata !

Furious 7 instal the last version for ipod